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These are some poems that I have written over the past year, they may not be very good but, well..they mean something to me.
Its one of the ways I let out my emotions.
So dont diss them!!You'll make me cry!lol

I can’t escape
The feelings inside of me pound at my heart
I am trapped in my own small world
Do I not have feelings too?
You use me as a toy
I don’t deserve to be treated like this
Yes, I feel sad
I cry alone
Not wanting to show my true feelings to those around me
I want to be strong
Nobody understands
You keep me here
Imprisoned with my thoughts and memories
It hurts
I cannot hate you
You do not realise what you do to me
Am I too forgiving?
You help me through
Advise me past the tough times
I love you all
But there is only so much you can do
I will get through this

Sometimes I see
How you fell from my grasp
Sometimes I regret
That we did not last
Sometimes I wonder
How things would be
If I had loved you, and you had loved me
Sometimes I want
To know where we went wrong
Sometimes I think
About why we weren’t strong
Sometimes I laugh
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I remember
When our names filled the sky
Sometimes I look
At the stars up in space
Sometimes they remind me
Of the stars in your face
Sometimes I hope
That one day you’ll see
That I want to love you
And want you to love me

“Set yourself free
They have no power over you
Even though they make you believe it
Just because they are older
Live your own life
Abide by your own rules
Have fun
You only live once
And if you get caught
Well, you can run faster
They will never find you
Stop the misery
You will fell so much better
I promise
They can’t imprison you forever
Escape while you still can
While you can still run faster
Live life
That’s what it’s there for”
I should follow my own advice.

What have I done to deserve this?
I feel used
You show an interest
I jump at the chance
I am happy
We come together as one
Kisses in the rain
The feeling of you inside me
I think that you care
I am wrong
You discard me away
Like a play-thing
I am not loved
Only when you want to play
I am unhappy
Have you no heart?
You move to the next victim
With no thought for the last-me
What have I done to deserve this?